The Best Camp Difference
Our Size
We believe that we can better serve our campers by keeping our camp small and personal. Our model of camp is different than many of the mega camps. By only allowing 74 campers per week, we can have maximum ministry impact on your child by giving them the individualized attention that they deserve.
Our Staff
We have a hand-picked staff. You won't find us at College and University Summer Camp Fairs. Most of our staff are former campers who have been counting down the years for the opportunity to have the same impact that other leaders had on them. We don't hire a staff of 300. We are privileged to work with a staff of 50 who are some of the finest Christ-followers you will ever meet.
Our Mission
A relationship with Jesus is life-changing. Our name, Arrowwood, comes from Psalm 127:4 where the Psalmist tells us that children are like Arrows. We seek to come alongside parents and help point their life to their Creator. We do this through cabin devotions, worship, and intentional camp experiences.
Our Location
We have some wonderful facilities that will help your campers feel safe and loved. But our most beautiful facility is the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. We do our best to make sure that all campers get to experience one of God's most beautiful places.