5 Tips for First-Time Families + Q+A YouTube LIVE

Click here for the YouTube Video for first time families.

Arrowwood Director Seth Houser shares 5 tips for first-time campers and answers your questions.


  1. Have Confidence - If you are worried, they will be worried. If you are confident, they are likely to be confident! We have a vigorous staff hiring and training process, we have a Doctor on campus, we are professionals. Please reach out if you have any questions.

  2. Practice Camp with your child - Practice writing postcards, making a bed, bathing, applying sunscreen, spend the night with a friend or grandparent. -- Don't overwhelm, but do practice.

  3. The more you know ahead of time… the better. Check out the daily schedule, track descriptions, Instagram counselor introductions, and the parent information packet.
    Check out:
    Parent Information: https://thebestcamp.com/parent-information/
    Day at Camp: https://thebestcamp.com/a-day-at-camp/
    Instagram: https://instagram.com/camparrowwood

  4. Homelonely vs Homesick - “Your counselors are your fill in parents” - Do encourage them to have a wonderful time at camp. Don't make pick-up deals.

  5. Label Everything - Your camper will lose something - it's ok, we have a better chance of returning their items to them if everything has a label.

Have a tip or question: Email us here: info@thebestcamp.com


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2018 Arrowwood Annual Report